Project Description
New Melones Weed Abatement Services, Bureau of Reclamation
Tuolumne and Calaveras Counties
Provide weed abatement along the roadsides, parking lots and islands as well as provide pest abatement around the restrooms and outbuildings in various locations at the New Melones Lake Recreational Complex. This requirement calls for repeated mowing and spraying of herbicides on all thistle infested in fields adjacent to all recreation areas including day use and campgrounds next to parking lots, buildings and 200 miles of roadside. Also to provide a Best Management Plan to avoid environmental and habitat degradation. Which includes surveying for nesting bird surveys during the migratory bird season as well as design and implement a native Sonoran grass and wildflower reseeding plan.
Project Details
Weed Abatement Services
May 2018 – May 2023 (on-going)